Fallout 2 assault rifle
Fallout 2 assault rifle

fallout 2 assault rifle

The only automatic weapons in NV that can use AP ammo all require guns 75 or above, where you are expected to fight end game enemies like super mutants at black montain, death claws, etc. The 10mm SMG does only 36 DPS against a target with 15 DT like a super mutant for example, because it cant use AP rounds. Most automatic weapons in NV have a high DPS because they can't use AP ammo and get neutered by DT, this is not an issue when you have access to 5.56mm AP rounds. The AR's DPS with AP ammo is too high compared to non-automatic weapons. For comparison, the assault carbine has a spread of 1.2 The AR is way too accurate compared to other automatic weapons at the same level, it is also much more accurate than the NV Assault Carbine which requires gun 75 (the closest thing NV has to the AR). For comparison, the 10mm SMG has a spread of 2.2 (nearly 3x that of the AR) and a vats chance of 8% (nearly 1/6th that of the AR). There is no reason to use the 10mm SMG when you can use an AR with 5.56mm AP ammo instead, which will shred super mutants, talon mercs and sentry bots. The comparison between the assault rifle and NV SMGs are particularly bad, the SMGs are all extremely inaccurate, have very low VATs chance and cant use AP ammo. It is extremely powerful and makes most other weapons at the same level irrelevant.Īt the guns 25-50 level for example, the assault rifle with AP ammo and a dps of 144 is superior to all shotguns (single shot, caravan, sawed off, lever action), all SMGs (9mm, 10mm), all pistols (unless you really need a silenced or holdout weapon) and most other rifles (unless sniping at extreme range with the laser or hunting rifle). Once the player gets access to sufficient quantities of 5.56mm AP ammo, they can just hold down the trigger on the assault rifle and slaughter their way through hordes of super mutants and talon mercs in the DC area with ease, while all SMGs are negated by the DT system. It also has access to AP ammo which negates DT on almost all enemies in the game (most importantly, talon mercs, super mutants, all robots and deathclaws). You will notice that the Assault Rifle not only does more damage per shot, but it is twice as accurate as the 9mm SMG outside of VATs and 5x as accurate in VATs. NV 9mm SMG : 25 guns, 14 damage per shot, 154 DPS, 1.5 spread, VATs to hit chance : 9%, 30 round magazine, uses 9mm (does not have access to AP rounds). TTW Assault rifle (AR) : 25 guns, 18 damage per shot, 144 DPS, 0.75 spread, VATs to hit chance : 45%, 24 round magazine, uses 5.56mm (has access to 5.56mm AP which is -15 DT).

fallout 2 assault rifle

Sorry if this is not the right place for this but I just wanted to provide some feedback about how assault rifles and their variations have been buffed in TTW.

Fallout 2 assault rifle